15 Auguest

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Principal's Office
15 August 2024

Subject:Independence Day Message

DearFaculty and Students,

Onthis momentous day, we celebrate the spirit of freedom and independence thatour nation achieved through the relentless efforts and sacrifices of countlessbrave souls. Independence Day serves as a reminder of our duty to uphold thevalues of liberty, equality, and unity.

Asthe Principal of Alinagar Teachers Training College, I extend my heartfeltwishes to each one of you. Let us take this opportunity to not only honor ournation but also to reflect on our roles as educators and future educators inshaping the minds of the next generation.

Inobservance of Independence Day, the college will remain closed today. Iencourage all of you to engage in local celebrations and to take a moment tothink about how we can contribute to our community and country through our workin education.

Wishingyou all a joyous and reflective Independence Day!

Best regards,

Alinagar Teachers Training College